📰Crypto AMA Recap: MetaFinance & Berry Data

8 min readJul 4, 2022


The MetaFinance AMA in Berry Data Group has concluded. Everyone asked some significant and important questions, so we’d like to take the time to put together some notes about the topics we talked about today。We would like to express our gratitude again to Berry Data Group for hosting this wonderful AMA session.

The session was held in three segments, Introduction, Questions from Berry, and Live Questions, with one of our marketing leaders, Rodrigo, successfully representing and spreading awareness about our platform among MetaFinance Community.

We started off with the most common question asked to allow Rodrigo to introduce himself and the MetaFinance.


Berry Data Host:

Here we go! Today with us we have MetaFinance .

Welcome, @Rodrigo. Can you start by giving us an overview of MetaFinance and your role on the team?

Rodrigo | MetaFinance:

Hello Berry Data Community: Thanks for the invitation; I am Rodrigo, Marketing Leader of MetaFinance. It has been an honor to have an AMA session with your community. We hope through this AMA; that we could share the good news of our project and let more users participate in the ecosystem.

MetaFinance, established in 2020, is a community-driven DeFi integrated complex that includes 💎Multi-chain mining pools, 🔥Aggregated DEX, ✅Yield Aggregator, 💰 MetaLabs, and 🆔MetaID(Decentralized identifiers ).

Our goal is to guide everyone to get started on Web3 easily, earning passive income with various innovative DeFi products.

Berry Data Host:

We are glad to have you here with us today. Let’s start with a few questions before we go into the live questions sessions.

2⃣️: AMA

Then, we dive in to what defines MetaFinance as a project and what makes MetaFinance different from the rest.

Berry Data Host:

Could you tell us more about MetaFinance? In other words, what does MetaFinance do?

Rodrigo | MetaFinance:

Sure, I would love to share what we are building:

MetaFinance is an innovative platform for community-driven DeFi. Unlike most online DeFi platforms with weak consensus, MetaFinance ✅builds a relationship 🌍network based on community influence and serves every user and community. It is a unique decentralized financial integrated commercial complex based on blockchain technology & smart contracts.

The income of all MetaFinance protocols belongs to the MFI token holders.

Our modules include:

  • 🔢MetaDex : A Decentralized Exchange & simple MetaFi integration with upgradable SDK.
  • 💎MFI Pool: Users can stake their token in the mining pool to earn passive income
  • 💰MetaTrigger: The Yield Aggregator help people to maximize their passive income
  • 🤵MetaLabs : Connects, invests, and empowers viable blockchain startups, and communities, providing financing to industry projects that help grow the blockchain ecosystem.
  • 🆔MetaID: Each user could have a unique digital identity DID, which is held by the user in the form of NFT and contains registration time, staking information, community information, etc. This is an innovative approach to combining DID, NFT and DeFi, and this innovative NFT is used within the MetaFinance ecosystem.

The above modules are all successfully launched and running ✅

MetaFinance’s vision is to reach out to people around the world to leverage on DeFi as a means to generate passive income.

Berry Data Host:

There are many similar projects out there, some have been quite successful. What is special about MetaFinance compared to other projects?

Rodrigo | MetaFinance:

That’s a good question , I ‘ll say Yearn.finance is the closest competing project out there:)

What makes MetaFinance unique from its competitors is that, MetaFinance is a community-driven DeFi Hub, we are building an ecosystem that benefits our community.

We also want to introduce DeFi to communities who may have never heard of blockchain to build the world’s largest DeFi community. Just like what we do here in the Berry Data community.

Aside from it, MetaFinance has a lot of advantages.

  1. One-stop Financial Services + Community-driven DeFi Hub

Here in MetaFinance, you can enjoy and utilize everything in one Defi platform. MetaFinance builds a relationship network based on community influence and serves every user and community. It is a unique decentralized financial integrated commercial complex based on blockchain technology & smart contracts. We have a large number of solid organic users who have joined us since 2020 and will continue in the long term.

Our ecosystem encourages community members to share the spread of information to their networks to build the world’s largest DeFi community.

We are confident that a community-driven DeFi hub will be successful and sustainable in the long term.

2. High security

MetaFinance is also a fully decentralized platform. DAPP is fully deployed on the chain and is open-source. We use The Graph, Chainlink, Snapshot, and other tools on the chain for data collation and contract interaction.

MetaFinance is a Multi-Chain, we are not only supported by one chain but various chains including Ethereum if you’re an ETH user, if you’d like a less gas fees chain we have BSC as well, and HECO. We intend to support more blockchains accordingly.

3. MetaLabs

MetaFinance is not only focused on the community, MetaFinance is also supporting the visions of other Web3 projects.; Our MetaLabs connects, invests, and empowers viable blockchain entrepreneurs, startups, and communities, providing financing to industry projects that help grow the wider blockchain ecosystem.

We will focus on the discoveries and investments in various aspects, including blockchain basic infrastructures, Layer2, DeFi, WEB3.0, NFT and Metaverse.

Our mission is to explore and invest in innovative blockchain projects worldwide and promote sustainable development across the entire industry globally. We look forward to working and growing with passionate dreamers and founders to create value for the blockchain industry.

4. MetaPool & MetaTrigger

MetaPool adopts a liquidity mining mechanism with no pre-mining, no private equity, and no team reservation; the MFI produced by MetaPool carries the community value of MetaFinance, users can stake their MFI to earn 💰passive income.

And MetaTrigger is a multi-chain yield aggregator powered by MetaFinance; to help users gain more cryptocurrency and increase their passive income in various ways, users can stake from 💎only 1 CAKE token to 🔥🔥earn great passive income, and they can withdraw the assets anytime if they want!

Berry Data Host:

Don’t forget to check out the following social media and website:


🌐 Website: https://metafinance.com/

🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetaFinance_MFI

🔥 Telegram: https://t.me/metafinanceglobal

📚 Medium: https://metafinance-mfi.medium.com/

Then, we begin to address some of the most concerned questions over the community, such as the information about MFI tokens, highlighted activities, and the security measures.

Berry Data Host:

Rodrigo , could you give us some info on the MFI Token?

Rodrigo | MetaFinance:

💲MFI is MetaFinance’s governance token, as well as the utility token that facilitates value exchange among MetaFinance’s numerous modules.

💎MFI is a low cap gem, the total number of tokens available is 420,000. 📅 Last year, in the month of November, $MFI hits ATH at $364.35 🔝 so if you see the current price of $MFI as we all know we are facing the wrath of BEAR Market, it also comes with an opportunity to let us buy and stack more $MFI with a cheap price, no worries, as we the team of MetaFinance has a great plan and exciting updates for the community of MetaFinance. 🔥🔥

If you’re going to ask me where we can purchase the $MFI, it is available on

Pancake Swap ✅ as $MFI

Hoo Exchange ✅ as $MFI

and recently listed on MEXC as $METAFI ✅

And Big news: 📢we are pleased to announce a total number of 53,700 MFI tokens has been burned on BSC chain! 🔥 Token burning helps maintain a healthy cryptocurrency, keeping the token supply low while balancing the value of each token. Token burning is also completed in fairness to early contributors and the community in general.

Berry Data Host:

Are there any community initiatives or ways to get involved with the project that you’d like to highlight to our viewers today?

Rodrigo | MetaFinance:

Yes ! There are two big events I would love to share with everyone here:

(1) Welcome Bonus: Share 50 MFI TOKENS ($5,000) with MetaTrigger

In celebration of the launching of our new product MetaTrigger,

So we have an offer for all Berry Data Community an activity where you can earn a share of 50 MFI Tokens that would be a total of $5,000

You can check more info about the activity using this link:


Our new product MetaTrigger will generate auto compounding returns for you. You can enjoy a new passive income here.

In simple words, MetaTrigger is a yield aggregator, currently we support $CAKE, if you stake your $CAKE you’ll earn more $CAKE and $MFI for rewards.

Other benefits you can get are:

🔸Optimal Staking Pool Matching Strategy


🔸Additional $MFI token bonus

🔸Starfish: $ Referral Rewards Program

🔸Welcome BONUS: $5,000 MFI 💎

(2) Create-to-Earn : $10,000 Global Bounty Program on MetaFinance!

We will officially launch Create-to-Earn : a Global Bounty Program with a prize pool of $10,000 next week !

If you or your friends are good at translating/writing/producing videos, you can earn amazing token rewards by easily completing our tasks!

The campaign will officially launch in 3 days, so follow us on Twitter to make sure you’ll be in with a chance to sign up! 🔗 https://twitter.com/MetaFinance_MFI

If you have any question, you can look for me in our MetaFinance Telegram Community 🔗https://t.me/metafinanceglobal and I will gladly assist and help you to start your journey.

Berry Data Host:

How does your project guarantee users’ asset safety?

Rodrigo | MetaFinance:

In terms of security, We can assure that MetaFinance is secure; it has been operating for almost 3 years since its launch, so far no issues or concerns from the community about its security✅

What’s more, MetaFinance’s products have been audited by 🛡️ Fairyproof and 🛡️ Peckshield, two of the leading security auditing firms in this industry!

You can check the security audit reports here:

Fairyproof Audit Report 🔗https://fairyproof.com/doc/MetaFinance-Audit-Report-060122.pdf

Peckshield Audit Report


The reason why we want to get audited by these two leading security auditing firms is because we want our community to earn more income while getting secured and will support us all along.

Our Value:

Put Users First ✅

Act With Fairness✅

Keep Innovation✅

3⃣️ Live Question

Berry Data Host:

You know what’s coming, live question sessions. We will have 10 live question sessions in which you have a chance of asking the Berry Data team anything.

Please add #AMAwithMetaFinance in the message! Prepare your questions, guys. We are opening the chat.

Are you ready ? Great, here we go!

More live questions details check here🔗 https://t.me/berrydata/242308

Rodrigo | MetaFinance:

Thank you all guys , for having us here, and especially i wanna say thank you for proving all those amazing questions. I highly appreciate it and hope you’re gonna be helping us building MetaFinance greater!

Berry Data Host:

Thank you Rodrigo! And thank you everyone for participating, don’t forget to join MetaFinance Community 🔗https://t.me/metafinanceglobal



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